Fiction and Non-Fiction collections - 16th to 20th Centuries

The company and its affiliates are engaged in Preservation & Access projects with unique collections in Archives, Libraries etc. Subsequently we are also specialized in re-publications of old books, pamphlets, periodicals from the 16th to early 20th Centuries.

The titles includes the contents from 40,000 Books, Pamphlets and 300 Periodicals, from 6,200 known authors, including a large representation of women writers. Furthermore, 2,300 anonymous written titles offer challenging researches in identifying and determining authorship of such anonymousky written works. 

In total approx. 8,000,000 full text pages with texts in English / French / German languange.

You may already know EDITION CORVEY, EDITION ST. WALBURG or BIBLIOTHEK STEIN.  These and other thematic collections - as well as smaller collections - have been compiled in consultation with Scholars and University Librarians.

Our sets / collections are espeecially usable in Acedemic Insitutions on microfiches {longtime archival & preservation purposes) and / or as ebooks with various user access options.

Electronic bibliographic records are available for both media.

The publications support studies in Literature, History, Religion, Theology, Psychology, Social Sciences, Cultural Studies, area studies etc.

And may serve individual Preservation needs for original works in own Library collections.

Additional comments: 

*quantities of titles, writers, pages, genres, sections, sets, collections, media etc. can be changed from us without prior notice;

the wording 'title' means 'Bibliographic record', meaning one title contains the content from at least one ‘physical’ printed volume. However, one 'title' could contain contents from more two or moore ‘physical’ printed books and/or printed periodicals, depending on the original work(s).

Last update: 10.07.2024 (see 'Theologie' &'Psychology' pages)


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